For three years I've been trying to figure this one out! When I do an air test on a house, I wanted to get the EqLA or Equivalent Leakage Area of what all the holes, added up, were in that house.
I have the formula now from Retrotec and while it isn't simple, and you'd have to have the kit I own to get the answer, there is a way to tell my clients that they have a hole 10 cm by X cm. This allows them to visualise the total unintentional leakage in their home.
EqLA = ( roh_air / 2 ) ^ 0.5 * Cenv * P ^ ( n - 0.5 ) / 0.61
It does work out on Excel quite well, but you have to know the Air Flow Coefficient, and the Air Flow Exponent. It also assumes that the air density is constant and you could apply your Correlation Coefficient to give a degree of confidence but that isn't included in the above formula.
If you'd like a better explanation, please contact me or leave a comment below.
Basically, I have been intrigued to find that most homes recently tested have had a cumulative unintentional leakage area that is over 1000 cm2
I have the formula now from Retrotec and while it isn't simple, and you'd have to have the kit I own to get the answer, there is a way to tell my clients that they have a hole 10 cm by X cm. This allows them to visualise the total unintentional leakage in their home.
EqLA = ( roh_air / 2 ) ^ 0.5 * Cenv * P ^ ( n - 0.5 ) / 0.61
It does work out on Excel quite well, but you have to know the Air Flow Coefficient, and the Air Flow Exponent. It also assumes that the air density is constant and you could apply your Correlation Coefficient to give a degree of confidence but that isn't included in the above formula.
If you'd like a better explanation, please contact me or leave a comment below.
Basically, I have been intrigued to find that most homes recently tested have had a cumulative unintentional leakage area that is over 1000 cm2
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