It has come to light from a few of my larger customers that certain competitors are now charging for the following 'elements' to an Air Tightness Test:
Calculation of the Envlelope Area
Training Seminars
Desktop Design Review
General Consultancy
On Site Design Reviews
Summary Reports
General Site Visits
Pre Test Inspections and reports
Pre Test site readiness visit
Out of Hours Surcharges
These aren't cheap charges either. You are looking at anywhere from £50 per hour for the simple things, to over £150 an hour for the more complex elements. The only thing in there that I may charge you for, would be making me come out to your site out of hours or on a weekend, because, let's face it, is there really ever any real need to do that?
This really boils down to the companies that are charging these fees are too big for their own britches, and have to pay for their big offices and large payrolls. Stick with me lads, I can get you there.
If you have ever met me, we'll come out and talk with you if you like, show you the faults you might have, and note them if you can't remember them. This is really not rocket science, but it is new to some people and once you have had a test and seen it in action, you will understand what is needed.
I travel all over Yorkshire all week long, and I can find a day in the next week or two when I am within a few miles of your site where we can walk around and have a chat.
For more information or to book a test, call me on 01484 686649 or visit my website on
I hope this helps
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